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How is your IT performing?
Signup for our FREE IT Assessment and see for yourself
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We don’t just fix the problem,
we guarantee it doesn’t come back
All of our work is backed by the Wild Prairie Computers 30 Day Guarantee
When it comes to business, quality is what matters at the end of the day. This is how clients know they can trust your company. If you are able to provide them with dependable goods and services, they will come back to you time and time again. Wild Prairie Computers takes the same approach to IT service and support. We strive to provide you with solutions you can count on. That’s why our services are backed by a 30 Day Guarantee. If something we repaired comes undone, we’ll be back out to correct the issue at no charge.
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When it comes to IT
Prevention and preparation are key in the ‘Internet of Things’ era
Many small and medium-sized business owners don’t understand the importance of having strong security and disaster recovery measures in place. Unfortunately for them, cybercriminals are quick to take advantage, knowing that SMBs lack the proper protection to survive. And with the Internet of Things helping you record more patient and client data, your business is more vulnerable than ever before. We guarantee all of your data recording devices and applications are secure and compliant. The team at Wild Prairie Computers is here to make sure your organization doesn’t become overwhelmed by the Internet of Things.
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- 24/7 Network Monitoring
- Firewall Protection
- Email & Spam Protection
- Much, much more
- Learn More →
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Backup &
Disaster Recovery
- Speed Data Recovery
- Data Redundancy & Monitoring
- Business Continuity Planning
- Much, much more
- Learn More →
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No IT staff? No problem!
Wild Prairie Computers is here to help
Wild Prairie Computers specializes in working with customers that are unable to afford or manage their own IT staff. Not only do we provide affordable IT service and support to small and medium-sized businesses, we can also help you save money by assisting with vendor relations. If we can’t do it,
we know who can.
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We love helping small businesses because they contribute so much to our community
Now see what they say about working with us
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The world of IT can be a confusing place
But we’ve prepared some videos to help you make sense of it all
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Check out the Wild Prairie Computers blog
For the latest news and tips from the world of business technology
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We have spent years developing partnerships with the industry’s best
For the latest news and tips from the world of business technology
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